A great success for the 2nd sprint, “Hack ta zone! “

A great success for the 2nd sprint, “Hack ta zone! “
No fewer than 7 LVBE members took part in the event, including our very first second-year trainee! "Hack ta Zone", a Hackathon to design tomorrow's business park while taking into account land sobriety: Zero Net Artificialization (ZAN) In a context of increasing scarcity of planetary resources, land, with its multiple uses (feeding, sheltering, tempering...) represents an essential component...

A day dedicated to PhD students at UHA

A day dedicated to PhD students at UHA
Bravooooooo to Margot !!!!!! Best poster prize (€100) poster title: “Alsatian Bacteria as a Potential Biocontrol Solution against Grapevine Trunk Diseases” ELZ Margot (SE) - LVBE ED222 - Doctorat en Biologie des Organismes - Thesis title: "Étude de l'implantation de bactéries racinaires chez la vigne, interaction vigne-microorganismes phytoprotecteurs"- Thesis supervisor: Marc FISHER On Fri...

French Academy of Agriculture visits Colmar Biopôle

French Academy of Agriculture visits Colmar Biopôle
On May 31, 2024, the French Academy of Agriculture visited the Colmar Biopôle, the I.U.T. Biological Engineering Department and the INRAe Center, on the theme of "Tomorrow's vine and wine". In the presence of : - members of the Académie d'agriculture de France, - members of the Académie d'Alsace, sciences, arts et lettres, - members of the Académies nationales de l'Est (Besançon, Dijon, Metz...

Meeting between LVBE researchers and the wine industry on April 19, 2024

Meeting between LVBE researchers and the wine industry on April 19, 2024
Under the impetus of Dr. Loriane MERLEN, the LVBE was pleased to organize a day of exchanges with members of the wine industry on Friday April 19, 2024. We, the LVBE researchers, have been trying to find solutions to the problems associated with grapevine wood diseases since 2009. LVBE researchers and the wine industry met on April 19, 2024. The objectives of this one-day meeting were to...

Since November 30, 2023 the LVBE has been located on a two dragonflies Nature Area!

Since November 30, 2023 the LVBE has been located on a two dragonflies Nature Area!
We are delighted to announce that our Biopôle campus has been awarded the Espace Nature level 2.     This distinction, awarded by the Région Grand-Est and the Agence de l'Eau Rhin-Meuse, rewards public spaces involved in:   in the preservation of biodiversity,  the non-use of synthetic phytopharmaceutical products (organic products authorized at this level) a...

Opening of the PIV in September 2023!

Opening of the PIV in September 2023!
      Created in 2021, the LVBE's PIV is an innovative experimentation tool for the scientific and agricultural communities, offering support for scientific collaborations. After two years of set-up and testing, it is now operational and its team is ready to welcome you. We look forward to hearing from you! Climate change, resource depletion and environmental and heal...

12th International Congress of Plant Pathology August 2023

12th International Congress of Plant Pathology August 2023
The LVBE took part in the world's largest plant pathology conference in Lyon from August 20 to 25, 2023, presenting 4 Posters! Alexia GRAU Alessandro PUCA Loriane MERLEN Romain PIERRON International Congress of Plant Pathology, ICPP,  is promoting World-Wide Plant Health and Food Security, and it has attracted in 2023 more than 2400 participants from 88 countries...

Sparkling Wine Forum July 2023

Sparkling Wine Forum July 2023
Discover the highlights of the Sparkling Wine Forum, with this video, a day of conferences, where participated P. Christophe BERTSCH, dedicated to innovation and economic development in the sparkling wine industry. This professional event brings together sparkling wine producers, industry companies, oenologists, project managers, and specialized press to bridge the gap between research and the...

Alsace Wine Museum Inauguration in Colmar

Alsace Wine Museum Inauguration in Colmar
Thursday April 13, 2023 took place the Inauguration of the superb Alsace Wine Museum, place de la cathédrale in Colmar. 80 000 visitors per year! During a playful visit which reserves many surprises among which the meeting with those who make the future of wine in Alsace. It is there that you will be able to see Professor Christophe BERTSCH teacher-researcher at the UHA - LVBE who intervenes...

Conference Christophe BERTSCH

Conference Christophe BERTSCH
"The effects of global warming on the vineyards of Alsace" by Professor Christophe Bertsch of the University of Haute-Alsace Event organized by the Friends of the Library of Colmar at the Auditorium of the PMC, on Saturday February 11, 2023 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm Free entrance