
Discover the LVBE in video : Research areas Grapevine is our model   Viticulture occupies an important place in French agriculture. In 2015, wines and liquors represented a record turnover of 11.7 billion euros (source: French Federation of Wine and Liquors Exporters). This is the 1st food sector with a surplus and the 2nd sector with a surplus in France, after aeronautics and ahead of chemical industry/perfumery. This situation, at first sight favorable, is however threatened by several factors. The viticulture is currently, as during the sanitary crises (oidium, phylloxera, mildew) of the end of the 19th century, at a cross...

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A great success for the 2nd sprint, “Hack ta zone! “
25 Jun

A great success for the 2nd sprint, “Hack ta zone! “

No fewer than 7 LVBE members took part in the event, including our very first second-year trainee!...
A day dedicated to PhD students at UHA
25 Jun

A day dedicated to PhD students at UHA

Bravooooooo to Margot !!!!!! Best poster prize (€100) poster title: “Alsatian Bacteria as a Potenti...
French Academy of Agriculture visits Colmar Biopôle
25 Jun

French Academy of Agriculture visits Colmar Biopôle

On May 31, 2024, the French Academy of Agriculture visited the Colmar Biopôle, the I.U.T. Biological...

Area 1 – Wood diseases

Area 2 – New tools

Area 3 – Enology