

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on grapevine response to Neofusicoccum parvum, a major trunk disease fungus
Lorène Belval, Lucie Roth, Isabelle Martin, Hélèné Laloue, Laurence Deglène-Benbrahim, Laure Valat, Mary-Lorène Goddard, Julie Chong. 2024 Plant Stress online 29 August 2024, 100582

Communications par affiche :

“Compréhension du rôle de la symbiose mycorhizienne dans la tolérance de la vigne au stress.”GALIMAND Lucas, YUNG Loíc, VALAT Laure et CHONG Julie. Journée Doctorale UHA, Mulhouse, 14 juin 2024.

“Alsatian Bacteria as a Potential Biocontrol Solution against Grapevine Trunk Diseases”. ELZ Margot, METEÏER Eloïse, MAZET Flore and FISCHER Marc. Journée Doctorale UHA, Mulhouse, 14 juin 2024.

Communications Orales :

XXème International Plant Protection Congress. Healthy Plants Support Human Welfare, 1er au 5 juillet 2024 Athènes, Grèce.

« Around the world in eight white rot species: understanding wood degradation in ESCA complex of diseases.« Alessandro Puca (University of Florence (DAGRI) – University of Haute-Alsace (LVBE), France)

« Maladies du bois de la vigne : étude d’effecteurs de Botryosphaeriaceae ». Alexia GRAU. Journée Doctorale UHA, Mulhouse, 14 juin 2024.

7ème Journées Francophones des Mycorhizes 14-16 mai 2024

  • Lucas GALIMAND « Tolérance au stress hydrique chez la vigne: étude de deux porte-greffes mycorhizés »

1ère Journée d’échange entre les chercheurs et la profession viti-vinicole  19 avril 2024 au LVBE, Colmar, France.

  • Yann LEVA, Célia PERRIN, Virginie WETTA : Présentation de la Plateforme d’Innovation Végétale.
  • Alexia GRAU : Facteurs d’agressivitéde Neofusicoccum parvum.
  • Pr. Christophe BERTSCH et Alessandro PUCA : Amadou dans le monde : focus sur les dégradations enzymatiques et non-enzymatiques du bois.
  • Lucas GALIMAND et Dr. Loïc YUNG : Rôle des microorganismes du sol et des mycorhizes pour la santé de la vigne.
  • Margot ELZ : Des probiotiques pour la vigne.
  • Dr. Loriane MERLEN et Dr. Mélanie GELLON : Projet CARECEP : endothérapie végétale verticale.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

First description of non-enzymatic radical-generating mechanisms adopted by Fomitiporia mediterranea: an unexplored pathway of the White RotAgent of the Esca complex of diseases.
Samuele Moretti, Mary-Lorène Goddard, Alessandro Puca, Jacques Lalevée, Stefano Di Marco, Laura Mugnai, Eric Gelhaye, Barry Goodell, Christophe Bertsch, Sibylle Farine. 2023 J. Fungi 2023, 9(4), 498;
Wood degradation by Fomitiporia mediterranea M. Fischer: Exploring fungal adaptationusing metabolomic networking.
Marion Schilling, Marceau Levasseur, Muriel Barbier, Lydie Oliveira-Correia, Céline Henry, David Touboul, Sibylle Farine, Christophe Bertsch and Eric Gelhaye. 2023 J. Fungi 2023, 9(5), 536;


Communications par affiche :

IOBC/WPRS Working Group “Integrated Protection in Viticulture”, Logroño, Spain du 3 au 5 Octobre 2023.

  • The Use of knotwood extracts for potential bioprotection against grapevine trunk
    Loriane Merlen, Lucas Galimand, Céline Tarnus, Christine Gerardin, Philippe
    Gerardin, Mélanie Gellon.
  • Bismuth subsalicylate: fungistatic and plant defence stimulator for grapevine trunk
    diseases management. Loriane Merlen
    , Céline Tarnus, Christelle Delaite, Mélanie Gellon.


12ème Congrès Mondial des Pathologies Végétales, Lyon en France du 20 au 25 août 2023.

  • Bismuth subsalicylate, a fungistatic compound and plant defence stimulator with potential for management of grapevine trunk diseases. L. Merlen, C. Tarnus, C. Delaite et M. Gellon.
  • Basidiomycetes in ESCA complex of diseases: phenotical characteristics and degradation capabilities with a focus on the non_enzymatic pathway. A. Puca, S. Moretti, S. Farine, C. Bertsch et L. Mugnai.
  • Role of six effectors with arsenic affinity on the pathogenicity of Neofusicoccum parvum. A. Grau, R. Pierron, M. L. Goddard et J. Chong.
  • Statistical image segmentation of vines’wood colonized by Neofusicoccum parvum in fluorescence microscopy. S. Ouali, J. B. Courbot, R. Pierron et O. Haeberle.


Conférences invitées

  • Christophe BERTSCH  « Nouveauté de la recherche concernant les maladies du bois » – PNDV Tour Bordeaux le 21 novembre 2023
  • Christophe BERTSCH « Impact du réchauffement climatique sur le vignoble alsacien » – Les amis de la bibliothèque de Colmar » le 11 février 2023

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Grapevine wood-degrading activity of Fomitiporia mediterranea M. Fisch.: a focus on the enzymatic pathway regulation.
Andrea Pacetti, Samuele Moretti, Célia Perrin, Gelhaye Eric, Eva Bieler, Hanns-Heinz Kassemeyer, Laura Mugnai, Sibylle Farine, Christophe Bertsch.  2022 Frontiers in Microbiology, section Microbe and Virus Interactions with Plants, 18 Mars 2022 |
Oxygen radical-generating metabolites secreted by eutypa and Esca fungal consortia: Understanding the mechanisms behind grapevine wood deterioration.
Gabriel Ivan Perez Gonzalez, Dana Sebestyen, Elsa Petit, Jody Jellison, Laura Mugnai, Eric Gelhaye, Norman Lee, Sibylle FARINE, Christophe Bertsch, Barry Goodell. 2022 Frontiers in Plant Science, section Technical Advances in Plant Science Juillet 2022,Vol. 13 Article 921961 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022. 921961
Review: Pathogenicity Factors of Botryosphaeriaceae Associated with Grapevine Trunk Diseases: New Developments on Their Action on Grapevine Defense Responses.
 Marie Belair, Alexia Laura Grau , Julie Chong , Xubin Tian  Jiaxin Luo , Xin Guan  and Flora PensecPathogens 2022, 11, 951. DOI: 10.3390/pathogens11080951

Wood degradation by Fomitiporia mediterranea M. Fischer: Physiologic, metabolomic and proteomic approaches.
Schilling M, Maia-Grondard A, Baltenweck R., Robert E., Hugueney P., Bertsch C., Farine S. and Gelhaye E.. (2022) Front. Plant Sci. 13:988709. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.988709

Development of a RT-qPCR method to estimate mycorrhization intensity and symbiosis vitality in grapevine plants inoculated with Rhizophagus irregularis.
Morgane Duret, Xi Zhan, Lorène Belval, Christine Le Jeune, Réjane Hussenet, Hélène Laloue, Christophe Bertsch, Julie Chong, Laurence Deglène-Benbrahim and Laure Valat. 2022 Technical Note in Plants Novembre 2022 Plants-2024620. doi: 10.3390/plants11233237

Chapitres :

Champagne et Crémants : les articles de presse et de vulgarisation sur internet traduisent-ils les différences techniques et sensorielles?
Richard Marchal pages 559-580. Ce chapitre d’ouvrage fait suite au colloque « Les terminologies professionnelles de la gastronomie et de l’œnologie » qui s’est tenu à l’université de Innsbruck en Autriche les 19 et 20 septembre 2019. Eva Lavric / Cornelia Feyrer / Carmen Konzett-Firth (éds.) : Le vin et ses émules, 2022. Editeur : Frank & Timme

Communications Orales :

12ème congrès mondial des maladies du bois de la vigne, Mikulov en République Tchèque du 10 au 14 juillet 2022.

  • Exploration of non-enzymatic wood degradation pathway in Fmed, the main white Rot in Européan esca-affected vineyard. S. Moretti, M.L. Goddard, J. Lalevée, S. Di Marco, C. Bertsch, S. Farine.
  • Wood degradtion by Fmed: physiologic, proteomic ans metabolic approaches. M. Schlling, A. Maia, E. Robert, P. Huguney, C. Bertsch, S. Farine et E. Gelhaye.

16th Congres of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, April 4–8, 2022, in Limassol, Cyprus.

  • Exploration of the non-enzymatic wood degrada- tion pathway for Fomitiporia mediterranea, the historical Esca agent. S. MORETTI1, M.L. GODD- ARD, J. LALEVÉE, S. DI MARCO, L. MUGNAI, C. BERTSCH and S. FARINE.

Conférences invitées

  • Café géo « Le vin sera-t-il encore divin ? » animé par Gilles FUMEY (Géographie culturelle, Lettres-Sorbonne- Université), Christophe BERTSCH (Vignes, Biotechnologies et l’environnement, Université de Hte Alsace), Thierry MOYNE (artiste), Emmanuel HAFFEN (Médecin, CHU, Besançon), Jean-Claude DOMENGET (SFSIC, UFC). 18.30 – 20.30 : Mardi 14 juin 2022,Troquet Les Archives – 1 rue du Vieux Château, Arbois.
  • Christophe Bertsch « Impact du réchauffement climatique sur le vignoble Alsacien » Club Rotary Colmar, le 20 septembre 2022.
  • Christophe Bertsch « Impact du réchauffement climatique sur le vignoble de Pasteur à nos jours. » Château de Chavanne – Arbois, Bi-centenaire de la naissance de Louis Pasteur, Académie des Sciences, le 15 octobre 2022.

Communications par affiche :

12ème congrès mondial des maladies du bois de la vigne, Mikulov en République Tchèque du 10 au 14 juillet 2022.

  • Will forestery waste be able to save the grapevines and help control GTD’s. L. Merlen, L. Galimand, C. Tarnus, C. Gerardin, P. Gerardin et M. Gellon.
  • Bismuth Subsalicylate a fungistatic compound and plant defenses stimulator, with a potentiel for the treatment on grapevine trunk diseases. L. Merlen, C. Tarnus, C. Delaite et M. Gellon.

6èmes Journées Francophones des Mycorhizes du 07 au 09 juin à Dijon, France.

  • Projet. La mycorhization de la vigne : impact sur la croissance, la résistance
    au stress hydrique et aux maladies en contexte alsacien. Valat Laure, Deglène-Benbrahim Laurence, Laloue Hélène, Goddard Mary-Lorène, Klingenstein Maxence, Froehly Arthur et Chong Julie.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Fomitiporia mediterranea M. Fisch., the historical Esca agent: a comprehensive review on the main grapevine wood rot agent in Europe.
Samuele MORETTI, Andrea PACETTI, Romain PIERRON, Hanns-Heinz KASSEMEYER, Michael FISCHER, Jean-Pierre PÉROS, Gabriel PEREZ-GONZALEZ, Evie BIELER, Marion SCHILLING, Stefano DI MARCO, Eric GELHAYE, Laura MUGNAI, Christophe BERTSCH, Sibylle FARINE. septembre 2021 Phytopathologia Mediterranea 60(2): 351-379.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis triggers major changes in primary metabolism together with modification of defense responses and signaling in both roots and leaves of Vitis vinifera.
Mary-Lorène Goddard, Lorène Belval, Isabelle R Martin, Lucie Roth, Hélène Laloue, Laurence Deglène-Benbrahim, Laure Valat, Christophe Bertsch, Julie Chong. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Plant Symbiotic Interactions. Juillet 2021, DOI : 10.3389/fpls.2021.721614
Comparative study of secreted proteins, enzymatic activities of wood degradation, and stilbene metabolization in grapevine Botryosphaeria dieback
Clément Labois, Elodie Stempien, Justine Schneider, Christine Schaeffer-Reiss, Christophe Bertsch, Mary-Lorène Goddard , Julie Chong. J. Fungi 2021, IF de 5.861
Trunk surgery as a tool to reduce foliar symptoms in diseases of the Esca complex and its influence on vine wood microbiota.
Pacetti, A.; Moretti, S.; Pinto, C.; Compant, S.; Farine, S.; Bertsch, C.; Mugnai, L. J. Fungi 2021, 7(7),521.  IF de 5.861.
Wood degradation in grapevine diseases.
Marion Schilling, Sibylle Farine, Jean-Pierre Péros, Christophe Bertsch, Eric Gelhaye. Advances in Botanical Research. online 25 June 2021, 99, 175-207.
Impacts of Sodium Arsenite on Wood Microbiota of Esca-Diseased Grapevines.

Bruez, E.; Larignon, P.; Bertsch, C.; Robert-Siegwald, G.; Lebrun, M.-H.; Rey, P.; Fontaine, F. J. Fungi 2021, 7, 498. IF de 5.861

Development of a new sensory analysis methodology for predicting wine aging potential. Application to champagne reserve wines.
N. Le Menn, R. Marchal, D. Dermaville, P. Casenave, S. Tempere, H. Campbell-Sills, G. de Revel, S. Marchand. Food Quality and Preference 17 june 2021, 104316.

Acacia gums new fractions and sparkling base wines: How their biochemical and structural properties impact foamability?
Apolinar-Valiente R., Salmon T., Williams P., Nigen M., Sanchez C., Doco T., Marchal R. Food Chemistry Vol. 354, 30 August 2021, 129477.  
Facile Elaboration of Wet Cellulose Film as Catalyst Support of MnOx Nanoparticles for the Catalytic Oxidation of Dyes in Absence of Light.
Oliveira, L.V.F.; Limousy, L.; Bennici, S.; Josien, L.; Hajjar-Garreau, S.; Goddard, M.-L.; Bizeto, M.A.; Camilo, F.F. Clean Technol. 2021, 3, 288-298. DOI: 10.3390/cleantechnol3020016.

Transdisciplinary participatory-action-research from questions to actionable knowledge for sustainable viticulture development

Jean E. Masson, Isabelle Soustre-Gacougnolle, Mireille Perrin, Carine Schmitt, Mélanie Henaux, Caroline Jaugey, Emma Teillet, Marc Lollier, Jean-François Lallemand, Frederic Schermesser & GIEE Westhalten, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS | 2021 8:24 |


Les maladies du bois, parlons-en ! Comment identifier les causes et mettre en œuvre des moyens de lutte appropriés ? Perspectives d’avenir et méthodes de lutte innovantes : endothérapie, sylvestris et autres –  Christophe Bertsch (UHA)

Rencontres Viticoles d’Alsace organisée par l’Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin Vendredi 16 avril 2021 17h00-18h00. Le replay est en ligne sur la chaîne Youtube de l’IFV (vignevinFrance), ainsi que sur le site internet de l’IFV.


Communications Orales

Reims 2021 Journées Nationales des maladies du bois de la vigne 17-18 novembre 2021

  •  Implications des stilbènes dans l’interaction sylvestris / vinifera – Botryosphaeriaceae. Mary-Lorène Godard – Université de Haute-Alsace, LVBE.
  • Fomitiporia mediterranea : un champignon dégradeur de bois adapté au bois de vigne ? Marion Schilling – Université de Lorraine, LVBE
  • Exploration de la voie de dégradation non-enzymatique du bois par Fomitiporia mediterranea. Samuele Moretti – Université de Haute-Alsace, LVBE.
  • L’évolution des communautés microbiennes du bois de vigne influe sur l’apparition de l’esca. Nicolas Valette – Université de Lorraine, LVBE.
  • Le Subsalicylate de Bismuth, un composé fongistatique et stimulateur des défenses des plantes : un candidat potentiel dans la lutte contre les maladies du bois de la vigne ? Loriane Merlen – Université de Haute-Alsace, LVBE.
  • Bactisap : Les bactéries contre-attaquent. Eloise Meteier – Université Haute-Alsace, LVBE.
  • Antagonismes Fomitiporia mediterranea / Trichoderma : effet du pH. Célia Perrin – Université de Haute-Alsace, LVBE.
  • Evaluation de la tolérance génétique aux Maladies Du Bois dans une population de Riesling croisée avec du Gewurtztraminer. Isabelle Martin & Olivier Fernandez – URCA, LVBE.
  • Le rôle de l’amadou dans l’expression des symptômes foliaires de l’ESCA : focus sur les processus enzymatiques impliqués dans sa formation. Andrea Pacetti – Université de Haute-Alsace, LVBE.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Investigation of Trichoderma species colonization of nursery grapevines for improved management of black foot disease

Wynand J van Jaarsveld, François Hallen, Michael C. Bester, Romain J.G. Pierron, Elodie Stempien and Lizel Mostert, Pest Management Science-Wiley online Library 2020, DOI 10.1002/ps.6030.

Wood metabolomic responses of wild and cultivated grapevine to infection with Neofusicoccum parvum, a trunk disease pathogen

Labois, C.; Wilhelm, K.; Laloue, H.; Tarnus, C.; Bertsch, C.; Goddard, M.L.*; Chong, J.*, Metabolites 2020, 10(6), 232-251 Special Issue « Plant Metabolomics » DOI: 10.3390/metabo10060232.

Olive mill wastewater: From a pollutant to green fuels, agricultural and water source and bio-fertilizer – Hydrothermal carbonization

Ahmed Amine Azzaz, Mejdi Jeguirim, Vasiliki Kinigopoulou, Charalampos Doulgeris, Mary-Lorène Goddard, Salah Jellali, Camelia Matei Ghimbeu, Science of The Total Environment, 733 2020.

Olive mill wastewater: From a pollutant to green fuels, agricultural water source and bio-fertilizer. Biofuel Production.

Jeguirim, M.; Goddard, M.-L.; Tamosiunas, A.; Berrich-Betouche, E.; Azzaz, A. A.; Praspaliauskas, M.; Jellali, S., Renew. Energy 2020, 149, 716-724 DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.12.079.

Combined Experimental and CFD Approach of Two-Phase Flow Driven by Low Thermal Gradients in Wine Tanks: Application to Light Lees Resuspension.

Bogard,F., Beaumont, F., Vasserot, Y, Simescu-Lazar, F., Nsom, B., Liger-Belair,G. and Polidori, G. 2020 Foods. 9,865. https://doi:10.3390/foods9070865

Impact of Botrytis cinerea contamination on the characteristics and foamability of yeast macromolecules released during the alcoholic fermentation of a model grape juice.

Marchal R., Salmon T., Gonzalez R., Kemp B., Vrigneau C., Williams P. and Doco T. Impact of 202025(3),472;

Passive wine macromixing from 3D natural convection for different winery tank shapes: application to lees resuspension.

Bogard, F., Beaumont, F., Vasserot, Y., Murer, S. and Polidori, G. Mechanics & Industry. 2020,21, 207.

Physico-chemical properties of hydrochars produced from raw olive pomace using olive mill wastewater as moisture source.

Azzaz, A. A.; Jeguirim, M.; Marks, E. A. N.; Rad, C.; Jellali, S.; Goddard, M.-L.; Matei Ghimbeu, C., Comptes Rendus. Chimie, 2020, 23, 635-652. DOI: 10.5802/crchim.61.

Utilisation des protéases d’Aspergillus pour traiter la casse colloïdale des vins blancs.

Marchal R., Gaillet M., Salmon T., Guillaume A., Lallement A., Coutel Y. Revue des Œnologues, 2020, 176, 35-39.

Congrès en ligne et Webinaire

  • Rotary Club Colmar, « La maladie de la vigne à travers les siècles » C. Bertsch mardi 10 novembre 2020 à 19h
  • Premières Journées Scientifiques Numériques du  Réseau Français de Métabolomique et Fluxomique. Goddard M.-L. – 25-06-2020
  • 3e Journée Intégrative de Protéomique et  Métabolomique. Goddard M.-L. 8 octobre 2020
  •  e-Journée Méta-SP. Goddard M.-L. 15 octobre 2020
  • Colloque scientifique : Moyens novateurs de protection durable des végétaux-Dialogue entre science et agriculture. Goddard M.-L.  17 décembre2020
  • Congreso Internacional ACE de la Enología y el Cava 2020, Revisión de la metodología para la determinación de la estabilidad proteica en vinos blancos. Marchal R. 23 de octubre de 2020. Vidéo de la conférence : Portail de la revue Acenología : 

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Overexpression of the VvSWEET4 transporter in grapevine hairy roots increases sugar transport and contents and enhances resistance to Pythium irregulare, a soilborne pathogen.

Eloïse METEIER, Sylvain La Camera, Mary-Lorène Goddard, Hélène Laloue, Pere Mestre, Julie CHONG. Journal: Frontiers in Plant Science, section Plant Microbe, 09 July 2019 |

Vitis methods available to understand and develop strategies for diagnosis and management of grapevine trunk diseases.
P. Reis, R.J.G. Pierron, P. Larignon, P. Lecomte, E. Abou-Mansour, S. Farine, C. Bertsch, A. Jacques, P. Trotel-Aziz, C. Rego and F. Fontaine, 2019Phytopathology 109(6), DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-09-18-0349-RVW

Olive Mill Wastewater: From a Pollutant to Green Fuels, Agricultural Water Source, and Bio-Fertilizer. Part 2: Water Recovery.
Dutournié, P.; Jeguirim, M.; Khiari, B.; Goddard, M.-L.; Jellali, S. Water 2019, 11, 768 DOI: 10.3390/w11040768.

Sodium arsenite effect on Vitis vinifera L. physiology. Songy.
Songy A.; Vallet, J.; Gantet, M.; Boos, A.; Ronot, P.; Tarnus, C.; Clément, C.; Larignon, P.; Goddard, M.-L.; Florence, F., J. Plant Physiol. 2019, 238, 72-79 DOI: 10.1016/j.jplph.2019.05.010.

Improvement of the foamability of sparkling base wines by the addition of Acacia gums.
Apolinar-Valiente R., Salmon T., Williams P., Nigen M., Sanchez C., Marchal R. and Doco T. Food Chemistry ; 313:126062. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.126062. Epub 2019 Dec 19.

Chemical compounds and mechanisms involved in the formation and stabilisation of foam in sparkling wines.
Kemp B., Condé B., Jégou S., Howell K., Vasserot Y., and Marchal R. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2019; 59(13):2072-2094.doi: 10.1080/10408398.2018.1437535

Conférences internationales :

Lors du 11th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases July 7-12, 2019. Penticton, British Columbia, Canada :

  • Metabolomic studies of two V. vinifera subspecies During Infection by Neofusicoccum parvum, a Botryosphaeria Dieback Pathogen – On the Road to Identify Infection and Resistance Biomarkers. LABOIS, M-L. GODDARD, H. LALOUE, P. NICK, C. TARNUS, C. BERTSCH, and J. CHONG.
  • Non-Enzymatic in lignum degradation mechanism: a way to control Grapevine Trunk Disease? MORETTI, R. PIERRON, A. PACETTI, M. GELLON, C. TARNUS, S. DI MARCO, L. MUGNAI, B. GOODELL, E. GELHAYE, C. BERTSCH and S. FARINE. July 7-12, 2019.
  • A new architecture of the vine: an original wrestling track. BERTSCH.
  • Vertical vegetal endotherapy: a new mode of treatment to cure GTDs? PACETTI, R. PIERRON, S. FARINE, L. MUGNAI, C. TARNUS, C. BERTSCH, and M. GELLON.

Lors de la 11th edition of In Vino Analytica Scientia symposium (IVAS 2019), June 25-28, 2019, Bordeaux, France.

  • Nitrogen status of vines influences aged wines aromas. Examples of aged Champagne reserve wines and red Bordeaux wines. Le Menn N., Van Leeuwen C., Marchal R., de Revel G., Demarville D., Marchand S.
  • Impact of press fractioning on Pinot noir and Pinot meunier grape juice and wine compositions and colour. Vrigneau C., Salmon T., Soufyani Y., Robillard B., Bécard B., Liu P-H., Heredia Mira F. J., Trosset J-Y., Marchal R.
  • Removal of white wine heat unstable proteins by using proteases and flash pasteurization. Comparison with bentonites treatments. Marchal R., Salmon T., Guillaume A., Coutel Y.
  • Foamability of bentonite treated wines: impact of new Acacia gum fractions obtained by Ionic Exchange Chromatography (IEC). Apolinar-Valiente R., Salmon T., Williams P., Nigen M., Sanchez C., Marchal R., Doco T.
  • Predicting the ageing potential of Champagne reserve wines, development of a new tool for sensorial analysis. Le Menn N., Marchal R., Demarville D., Tempère S., de Revel G., Marchand S.
  • Influence of bottle position upon cork stopper resiliency and sparkling wine colour. A four years’ study after corking. T. Salmon, J. Rosello, C. Maury, A. Marcoult, R. Marchal.

 Champagne et autres vins effervescents – La communication sur internet traduit-elle des différences techniques et sensorielles ? Conférence plénière. Marchal R. Terminologies et discours gastronomiques et œnologiques – Le vin et les autres produits. Colloque interdisciplinaire, Universität Innsbruck, 19-20 septembre 2019.

Approche plurisémiotique du design de la mousse : du visuel au gustatif. Discours sensoriels croisés.Marchal R., Wagener A. Colloque international. Cacao, café, thé, vin, bière et spiritueux – Référentiels, expériences et imaginaires, 4-5 juillet 2019, CampusTech/VillageCA, Angers.

Communications par affiche :

  • Characterization of FmMCA gene, a unique metacaspase from grapevine trunk disease phytopathogen Fomitiporia mediterranea. P. GONG, J. CHONG, S. FARINE, and C. BERTSCH. 11th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases. July 7-12, 2019. Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Transcriptional induction of two phosphate transporter 1 genes and enhanced root branching in grape plants inoculated with Funneliformis mosseae

Laure Valat, Laurence Deglène-Benbrahim,  Melha Kendel, Réjane Hussenet,  Christine Le Jeune, Paul Schellenbaum, Pascale Maillot.

Mycorrhiza (2018) 28:179–185.

Secreted proteins produced by fungi associated with Botryosphaeria dieback trigger distinct defense responses in Vitis vinifera and Vitis rupestris cells

E. Stempien, M.-L. Goddard, Y. Leva, M. Bénard-Gellon, H. Laloue, S. Farine, F. Kieffer-Mazet, C. Tarnus, C. Bertsch, J. Chong.

Protoplasma (2018) 255 (2):613–628

Responses to climatic and pathogen threats differ in biodynamic and conventional vines

Isabelle Soustre-Gacougnolle, Marc Lollier, Carine Schmitt, Mireille Perrin, Estelle Buvens, Jean-François Lallemand, Mélanie Mermet, Mélanie Henaux, Christelle Thibault-Carpentier, Doulaye Dembelé, Damien Steyer, Céline Clayeux, Anne Moneyron & Jean E. Masson.

Scientific Reports, volume 8(1) : 16857 (2018)


Influence of Grape Berry Maturity on Juice and Base Wine Composition and Foaming Properties of Sparkling Wines from the Champagne Region
Liu P.H., Vrigneau C., Salmon T., Hoang D.A., Boulet J.C., Jégou S. and Marchal R. Molecules 2018, 23, 1372; doi:10.3390/molecules23061372

Communication orale :

Un modèle de culture pour étudier les interactions entre la vigne et les endomycorhizes à arbuscules

Valat Laure , Le Jeune Christine, Hussenet Réjane, Kendel Melha, Schellenbaum Paul, Maillot  Pascale and  Deglène-Benbrahim Laurence

5èmes Journées Francophones des Mycorhizes, 27-29 juin 2018, Dunkerque, France


Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Grapevine Botryosphaeria dieback fungi have specific aggressiveness factor repertory involved in wood decay and stilbene metabolization

Elodie Stempien, Mary-Lorène Goddard, Kim Wilhelm, Céline Tarnus, Christophe Bertsch, Julie Chong.
PLos one 12(12)2017

The relationship between mineral contents, particle matter and bottom ash distribution during pellet combustion: molar balance and chemometric analysis.

Mejdi Jeguirim, Nesrine Kraiem, Marzouk Lajili, Chamseddine Guizani, Antonis Zorpas, Yann Leva, Laure Michelin, Ludovic Josien, Lionel Limousy.
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24(12) : 9927-9939.

Draft Genome Sequence of Diplodia seriata F98.1, a Fungal Species Involved in Grapevine Trunk Diseases

Guillaume Robert-Siegwald, Julie Vallet, Eliane Abou-Mansour, Jiabao Xu, Patrice Rey, Christophe Bertsch, Cecilia Rego, Philippe Larignon, Florence Fontaine, Marc-Henri Lebruna.
Genome Announc 5(14):e00061-17.2017

Communications par affiche :

  • M. Gellon, J. Fuchs, S. Farine, F. Mazet, H. Laloue, M.L. Goddard, M. Fischer, J. Chong, C. Tarnus and C. Bertsch. “A new mode of treatment to cure GTDs: vegetal endotherapy?” 10th International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 4-7 Juillet 2017, Reims (France).
  • M. Gellon, M.L. Goddard, C. Tarnus, C. Bertsch and S. Farine. “Was sodium arsenite more than a “simple” fungi killer ?” 10th International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, 4-7 Juillet 2017, Reims (France).
  • Laurence Deglène-Benbrahim, Pascale Maillot, Melha Kendel, Réjane Hussenet, Christine Le Jeune, Paul Schellenbaum and Laure Valat. « Development of a mycorrhization method of grapevine in semi-hydroponics as a tool for studies of defense responses against pathogens » 12th EFPP and 10th SFP Conference, May 29 – June 2 2017, Dunkerque, (France).
  • Laure Valat, Pascale Maillot , Melha Kendel, Réjane Hussenet, Christine Le Jeune, Paul Schellenbaum1 and Laurence Deglène-Benbrahim
    « A semi-hydroponic culture model to study interactions of beneficial and/or pathogenic microbes with grapevine» 1st International Symposium on Plant Bioprotection Sciences & Technologies, June 27-30 2017 , Reims, (France).

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Vitamins for enhancing plant resistance
Hatem BoubakriMahmoud GargouriAhmed MlikiFaiçal BriniJulie ChongMoez Jbara Planta 2016 Sep;244(3):529-43. doi: 10.1007/s00425-016-2552-0. 2016.

Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis stimulates key genes of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and stilbenoid production in grapevine leaves in response to downy mildew and grey mould infection

Bruisson S., Maillot P., Schellenbaum P., et al. 2016. Phytochemistry, 131 : 92-99.

Efficient somatic embryogenesis from meristematic explants in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Chardonnay: an improved protocol

Maillot, P., Deglène-Benbrahim, L., & Walter, B. Trees, 30 : 1377-1387.  IF = 1,651

Microsatellite analysis of Saccharomyces uvarum diversity

Masneuf-Pomarede, I., Salin, F., Börlin, M., Coton, E., Coton, M., Le Jeune, C., & Legras, J. L. (2016). FEMS yeast research, 16(2), fow002. IF = 2,818

Mining new resources for grape resistance against Botryosphaeriaceae: a focus on Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris

Guan, X., Essakhi, S., Laloue, H., Nick, P., Bertsch, C., & Chong, J. (2016). Plant Pathology, 65(2), 273-284. IF = 2,121

Characterization of triterpenoid profiles and triterpene synthase expression in the leaves of eight Vitis vinifera cultivars grown in the Upper Rhine Valley

Pensec, F., Szakiel, A., Pączkowski, C., Woźniak, A., Grabarczyk, M., Bertsch, C., Fischer, M., & Chong, J. (2016). Journal of plant research, 129(3), 499-512. DOI : 10.1007/s10265-016-0797-0 IF = 1,823

Conférences Invitées (professionnel, nationales et international) :

  • Conférence auprès du Centre Technique Agricole (CETA) Viticole Centre Alsace, 14 janvier 2016 « La vigne »
  • Working group Host-pathogen and fungus-fungus competitive interactions. Athens, Greece, 12-13 juin 2015.

Communications orales :

  • Réactions de défenses induites par les composés extracellulaires des Botryosphaeriaceae sur des cultures cellulaires de Vitis.
    E. Stempien, J. Chong et C. Bertsch. Journée doctorale science, Université de Haute Alsace, 12/07/16, Mulhouse (France).
  • Chemometric analysis for the relationship between mineral contents and particle matter distribution during pellets combustion. Jeguirim, M., Zorpas, A., Kraiem, N., Lajili, M., Leva, Y., Limousy, L. 4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Limassol, Cyprus, 23-25 June 2016

Communications par affiche :

Effets des composés extracellulaires des Botryosphaeriaceae sur les évènements de signalisation précoces.
E. Stempien, M. Bénard-Gellon, H. Laloue, S. Farine, F. Mazet-Kieffer, C. Bertsch et J. Chong. Journée doctorale science, Université de Haute Alsace, 12/07/16, Mulhouse (France).


Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

First Report of Young Grapevine Decline Caused by Neofusicoccum parvum in France

P. Larignon, A. Spagnolo, C. Bertsch, F. Fontaine. Plant Disease.
Bacteria in a woody fungal disease: characterization of bacterial communities in wood tissues of esca-foliar symptomatic and asymptomatic grapevines
Emilie Bruez, Rana Haidar, Maryam Tidjani Alou, Jessica Vallance, Christophe Bertsch, Flore Mazet, Marc Fermaud, Alain Deschamps, Lucia Guerin-Dubrana, Stephane Compant, Patrice Rey. Frontiers of Microbiology. (IF: 4)
Characterization of triterpenoid profiles and triterpene synthase expression in the leaves of eight Vitis vinifera cultivars grown in the Upper Rhine Valley
Flora Pensec, Anna Szakiel, Cezary Pączkowski, Agnieszka Woźniak, Marta Grabarczyk, Christophe Bertsch, Marc JC Fischer, and Julie Chong. Journal of Plant Research.
Adaptation in Toxic Environments: Arsenic Genomic Islands in the Bacterial Genus Thiomonas
Kelle C. Freel, Martin C. Krueger, Julien Farasin, Céline Brochier-Armanet, Valérie Barbe, Jeremy Andrès, Pierre-Etienne Cholley, Marie-Agnès Dillies, Bernd Jagla, Sandrine Koechler, Yann Leva, Ghislaine Magdelenat, Frédéric Plewniak, Caroline Proux, Jean-Yves Coppée, Philippe N. Bertin, Hermann J. Heipieper, F. Arsène-Ploetze. PLosOne.(IF:3,53)
Biocontrol potential of chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) and endophytic Bacillus subtilis strains against the most destructive grapevine pathogens
H Boubakri, A Hadj-Brahim, C Schmitt, I Soustre-Gacougnolle and A Mliki. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science.
Phytotoxic metabolites from Neofusicoccum parvum, a pathogen of Botryosphaeria dieback of grapevine
Eliane Abou-Mansour, Jean-Luc Débieux, Montserrat Ramírez-Suero, Mélanie Bénard-Gellon, Maryline Magnin-Robert, Alessandro Spagnolo, Julie Chong, Sibylle Farine, Christohpe Bertsch, Floriane L’Haridon, Mario Serrano, Florence Fontaine, Cecilia Rego, Philippe Larignon. Phytochemistry.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Transient expression assays in grapevine: a step towards genetic improvement
TJelly, N. S., Valat, L., Walter, B., & Maillot, P. (2014). . Plant biotechnology journal, 12(9), 1231-1245.
The SWEET family of sugar transporters in grapevine: VvSWEET4 is involved in the interaction with Botrytis cinerea
Julie Chong1*, Marie-Christine Piron2,3, Sophie Meyer2,3, Didier Merdinoglu2,3, Christophe Bertsch1, and Pere Mestre2,3*.Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 65, No. 22 pp. 6589–6601, 2014.
Toxicity of extracellular proteins from Diplodia seriata and Neofusicoccum parvum implied in grapevine botryosphaeria dieback
M. Bénard-Gellon, S. Farine, M.L. Goddard, M. Schmitt, E. Stempien, F. Pensec, H. Laloue, F. Mazet-Kieffer, F. Fontaine, P. Larignon , J. Chong, C. Tarnus and C. Bertsch. March 2015, Volume 252, Issue 2, pp 679–687 Protoplasma.
Remediation of sediment and water contaminated by copper in small-scaled constructed wetlands: effect of bioaugmentation and phytoextraction
D. Huguenot*, P. Bois, J.Y. Cornu, K. Jezequel, M. Lollier and T. Lebeau . Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014
Effect of pyoverdine supply on cadmium and nickel complexation and phytoavailability in hydroponics
C. Ferret, J.Y. Cornu, M. Elhabiri, T. Sterckeman, A. Braud, K. Jezequel, M. Lollier, T. Lebeau, I. J. Schalk and V. A. Geoffroy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014
Changes in the Triterpenoid Content of Cuticular Waxes during Fruit Ripening of Eight Grape (Vitis vinifera) Cultivars Grown in the UpperRhine Valley
Flora Pensec,† Cezary Pączkowski,‡ Marta Grabarczyk,‡ Agnieszka Woźniak,‡ Mélanie Bénard-Gellon,† Christophe Bertsch,† Julie Chong,† and Anna Szakiel*,‡. Journal of agriculture and food chemistery 2014
Contrasting responses of three grapevine cultivars to Botryosphaeria dieback
A. Spagnolo, M. Magnin-Robert, T.Dilezitoko Alayi, C. Cilindre, C. Schaeffer-Reiss, A. Van Dorsselaer, C. Clément, P. Larignon, M. Suero-Ramirez, J. Chong, C. Bertsch, E. Abou-Mansour and F. Fontaine. Phytopathology October 2014, Volume 104, Number 10, Pages 1021-1035.
Extracellular compounds produced by fungi associated with Botryosphaeria dieback induce differential defence gene expression patterns and necrosis in Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay cells
M. Ramírez-Suero, M. Bénard-Gellon, J. Chong, H. Laloue, E. Stempien, E. Abou-Mansour, F. Fontaine, P. Larignon, F. Mazet-Kieffer, S. Farine and C. Bertsch. Protoplasma November 2014, Volume 251, Issue 6, pp 1417–1426 |.

Communications par affiche :

Phytoextraction-assisted bioaugmentation of soils contamined by Cu and Cd : role of the bacterial siderophore pyoverdine. J.Y. Cornu, M. Elhabiri, C. Ferret, V. Geoffroy, K. Jezequel, Y. Leva, M. Lollier, I.J. Schalk, T. Lebeau. 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju, Korea, 8-13 June 2014

Conférences invités :

  • C. BERTSCH. BIVB de Chablis. Matinées Techniques des maladies du bois organisé par Bureau Interprofessionel des Vins de Bourgogne. Impact de composés extracellulaires de champignons impliqués dans les maladies du bois et évaluation de la résistance chez la vigne. Mercredi 16 avril 2014
  • C. BERTSCH. CITVB Beaunes. Matinées Techniques des maladies du bois organisé par Bureau Interprofessionel des Vins de Bourgogne. Impact de composés extracellulaires de champignons impliqués dans les maladies du bois et évaluation de la résistance chez la vigne. Mercredi 16 avril 2014.
  • C. BERTSCH. Lycée viticole de Dvayé. Matinées Techniques des maladies du bois organisé par Bureau Interprofessionel des Vins de Bourgogne. Impact de composés extracellulaires de champignons impliqués dans les maladies du bois et évaluation de la résistance chez la vigne. Jeudi 17 avril 2014
  • C.BERTSCH. Syndicat viticole de Katzenthal. Compréhension des maladies du bois. Mardi 8 avril 2014.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

H. Boubakri, M.A. Wahab, J. Chong, C. Gertz, S. Gandoura, A.Mliki, C. Bertsch and I. Soustre-Gacougnolle
Methionine elicits H2O2 generation and defense gene expression in grapevine and reduces Plasmopara viticola, Journal of Plant Physiology, 170 (18), 1561–1568.
Marjorie Romon, Isabelle Soustre-Gacougnolle, Carine Schmitt, Mireille Perrin, Yannick Burdloff, Elodie Chevalier, Jérome Mutterer, Christophe Himber, Jérôme Zervudacki, Thomas Montavon, Aude Zimmermann, Taline Elmayan, Hervé Vaucheret, Patrice Dunoyer, Jean E. Masson
Research Article | published 20 Dec 2013 | PLOS ONE 10.1371/journal.pone.0082652
Bou-Saab H, Boulanger A, Schellenbaum P, Neunlist 2013
Performance of Luffa cylindrica as immobilization matrix in bioconversion reactions by Nicotiana tabacum BY-2. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2013.04.017
Ocaña, J, Walter, B, Schellenbaum, P
(2013) Stable MSAP markers for the distinction of Vitis vinifera cv Pinot noir clones. Molecular Biotechnology, DOI: 10.1007/s12033-013-9675-3
E. Bruez, P. Lecomte , J. Grosman, B. Doublet, C. Bertsch, F. Fontaine , A. Ugaglia, P.L.Teissedre, L. Guerin-Dubranan and P. Rey
Overview of the evolution of grapevine trunk diseases in France in the early 2000s. Phytopathologia Mediterranea ; sous presse
H. Boubakri, J. Chong, A. Poutaraud , C. Schmitt , C. Bertsch, A. Mliki, J. E. Masson, I. Soustre-Gacougnolle 2013
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) induces defense responses and resistance to Plasmopara viticola in grapevine. European Journal of Plant Pathology ; sous presse
F. Pensec, A. Marmonier, A. Marchal, S. Gersch, N. Nassr, J. Chong, M. Henry, G. Demangeat, C. Bertsch
2013 Gypsophila paniculata root saponins as an environmentally safe treatment against Xiphinema index and Xiphinema diversicaudatum, two natural vectors of the grapevine fanleaf degeneration. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research.
Hatem Boubakri, Anne Poutaraud, Mohamed Ali Wahab, Celine Clayeux, Raymonde Baltenweck-Guyot, Damien Steyer, Christophe Marcic, Ahmed Mliki, Isabelle Soustre-Gacougnolle
Thiamine modulates metabolism of the phenylpropanoid pathway leading to enhanced resistance to Plasmopara viticola in grapevine. BMC Plant Pathology 2013
Norini, Marie-Paule; Secher, Camille; Lollier, Marc; Jézéquel, Karine; Cornu, Jean-Yves; Lebeau, Thierry
Quantification of the 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacers of Burkholderia xenovorans strain LB400 using real-time PCR in soil samples. letters in applied microbiology, sous presse
C. Bertsch, M. Ramírez-Suero, M. Magnin-Robert, P. Larignon, J. Chong, E. Abou-Mansour, A. Spagnolo, C. Clément, F. Fontaine
Grapevine trunk diseases: complex and still poorly understood. 2012. Plant Pathology Published in Plant Pathology volume 62, Issue 2, pages 243-265, April 2013.
Secher C., Lollier M., Jézéquel K., Cornu J.Y., Amalric L., Lebeau T
Decontamination of a polychlorinated biphenyls-contaminated soil by phytoremediation-assisted bioaugmentation. Biodegradation, sous presse

Conférences invités :

  • C. Bertsch. Les maladies du bois. Stage de formation et de perfectionnement en viticulture. 5 et 6 février 2013. Ostheim.
  • C. Bertsch. Les maladies du bois en Alsace. 8ème rencontres des directeurs d’exploitation et d’atéliers technologiques d’établissements publics d’enseignement agricole. 17 avril 2013, Rouffach-Obernai.
  • C. Bertsch. UMR 7199, Systèmes Chimiques Fonctionnels, Université de Strasbourg. Les maladies du bois chez la vigne. 10 Décembre 2013
  • C. Bertsch. Journée techniques nationales fruits, légumes et viticulture biologiques, Dernières avancées sur les maladies du bois. 10-12 décembre 2013. Colmar

Communications par affiche :

Etude de procédés de régulation des flux de cuivre au vignoble par phytoremédiation/bioaugmentation. Lollier M., Leva Y., Jezequel K. Réseau Vigne et Vins Septentrional, Colmar, France, 1-2 juillet 2013


Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Jean-Yves Cornu, David Huguenot, Karine Jezequel ,Thierry Lebeau
2012. Evaluation of sugar beet pulp efficiency for improving the retention of copper in stormwater basin. Journal of Soils and Sediments.13(1):220-229 · DOI: 10.1007/s11368-012-0625-7
Paul Bois; David Huguenot. Karine Jézéquel, Marc Lollier, Jean-Yves Cornu, Thierry Lebeau
Herbicide mitigation in microcosms simulating stormwater basins subject to polluted water inputs, Water research 47(3):1123-1135.
Damien Steyer, Claude Erny, Patricia Claudel, Geneviève Riveill, Francis Karst, Jean-Luc Legras
Genetic analysis of geraniol metabolism during fermentation. Food Microbiology 2012.
Damien Steyer, Chloe Ambroset, Christian Brion, Patricia Claudel, Pierre Delobel, Isabelle Sanchez, Claude Erny, Bruno Blondin, Francis Karst, Jean-Luc Legras
QTL mapping of the production of wine aroma compounds by yeast. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:573 30 October 2012).
Anna Szakiel, Cezary Pączkowski, Flora Pensec and Christophe Bertsch
Fruit cuticular waxes as a source of biologically active triterpenoids. 2012 Phytochemistry Reviews June 2012, Volume 11, Issue 2–3, pp 263–284
Boubakri Hatem, Mohamed Ali Wahab, Julie Chong, Christophe Bertsch, Ahmed Mliki, Isabelle Soustre-Gacougnolle
Thiamine induced resistance to Plasmopara viticola in grapevine and elicited hostdefenseresponses, including HR like-cell death. 2012. Plant Physiology et Biochemistry Plant Physiology et Biochemistry (2012), doi: 10.1016/ j.plaphy.2012.05.016
Erny C, Raoult P, Alais A, Butterlin G, Delobel P, Matei-Radoi F, Casaregola S & Legras JL
Ecological success of a group of Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Saccharomyces kudriavzevii hybrids in the Northern European wine making environment. EAM in press
N. Jelly, P. Schellenbaum, B. Walter, P. Maillot
Transient expression of artificial microRNAs targeting Grapevine fanleaf virusand evidence for RNA silencing in grapevine somatic embryos. 2012 Transgenic Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11248-012-9611-5.

Conférences invités :

Internationales :

  • C. BErtsch. Dalian Natural Products and Glycoconjugate Research Groupe, Insitute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences. Transduction Pathways in grapevine defenses; 20 septembre 2012.
  • C. Bertsch. 2nd World congress of Agricultural Biotechnology, Grapevine Diseases and Defense Pathways. Dalian, Chine 19-21 septembre 2012.

Nationales :

  • C. Bertsch. Conférence auprès de l’association de l’ Agriculture Biologique d’Alsace section Vigne. Lundi 16 janvier 2012. “Connaissances concernant les maladies du bois
  • C. Bertsch. Les saponines: un produit d’origine naturelle pour lutter contre les nématodes vecteurs du court-noué. Stage de formation et de perfectionnement en viticulture. 25 et 26 janvier 2012. Ostheim.


Communications par affiche :

  • Pyoverdine interactions with trace elements in sediment: relevance for phytoremediation. Cornu J.Y., Leva Y., Lollier M., Ferret C., Geoffroy V., Lebeau T., Jezequel K. 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies, Bari, Italy, 2-6 july 2012
  • Suivi de l’expression de gènes de défense après traitement de cals de Vitis Vinifera par des filtrats extracellulaires de Nofusicoccum parvum et Diplodia serriata. Ramirez-Suero, M., Chong, J., Farine, S., Kieffer-Mazet, F., Pensec, F., Gacougnolle, I., Leva, Y., Larignon, P., Kuntzmann, P., Abou-Mansour, E., Magnin-Robert, M., Fontaine, F., Bertsch, C. 9èmes Rencontres de Phytopathologie – Mycologie de la Société Française de Phytopathologie, Aussois, France, 16-20 janvier 2012.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Vitis vinifera VvNPR1.1 is the functional ortholog of AtNPR1 and its overexpression in grapevine triggers constitutive activation of PR genes and enhanced resistance to powdery mildew. PLANTA, in press
2011- Impact of Quillaja saponaria saponins on grapevine ecosystem organisms. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology, sous presse
2011. Systemic damage in leaf metabolism caused by esca infection in grapevinesArticle first published online: 27 JAN 2011 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-0238.2010.00122.x
2011 Modelling the complexation of Cd in soil solution at different temperatures using the UV-absorbance of dissolved organic matter, Geoderma sous presse

Chapitres :

Bioaugmentation-assisted phytoextraction applied to metal contaminated soils: state of the art and future prospects. In : I. Ahmad et al. (eds.), Microbes and Microbial Technology: Agricultural and Environmental Applications, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7931-5_10,© Springer, 1st Edition., 2011, XVI, 516 p., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-4419-7930-8, March 2011.
Paul Schellenbaum, Bernard Walter, Pascale Maillot
2011. Is DNA methylation a marker of somaclonal variation induced by in vitro culture ? In: Applications of Plant Biotechnology: In vitro Propagation, Plant Transformations and Secondary Metabolite Production, Editors: Kumar A, Sopory S. I.K. International, India, pp: 17-63.

Conférences invités :

Internationale :

  • C. Bertsch. Conférence au Winexpo Kiev, Ukraine. 2 et 3 novembre 2011. “Les maladies du bois

Nationales :

  • C. Bertsch. Conférences auprès de l’Union des Vignerons d’Alsace, Cave Arthur Metz. Vendredi 4 février 2011. « Les maladies du bois chez la vigne ».
  • C. Bertsch. Conférence Alsace Vitae. Jeudi 17 mars 2011. «Les maladies du bois ? Epidémiologie, connaissance des pathogènes et des mécanismes de développement de la maladie : où en est la science ? Quelles conséquences pour la viticulture ? »
  • C. Bertsch. Conférence à la Cave Jean Jean Geiller (Coopérative). Mardi 29 mars 2011. « Comment lutter contre les maladies du bois ».

Communications par affiche :

  • Copper solubility and phytoavailability in the rhizosphere of tomato as influenced by bacterial siderophore. Cornu, J-Y., Leva, Y., Wanat, N., Lollier, M., Ferret, C., Geoffroy,  V., Lebeau, T., Jezequel, K. 11th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Florence, Italy, 3-8 July 2011.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

2010- Low level of polymorphism in two putative /NPR1/ homologs in the Vitaceae family. Biology Direct, 2010, 5:9
2010- Foliar symptoms, trunk lesions and fungi implied in grapevine trunk diseases in two vineyards in Alsace. Vitis – Journal of Grapevine Research. 49, 71-76.
2010- Chemically-induced resistance on soybean inhibits nodulation and mycorrhization.Plant and Soil. 329:259-268.
2010- Characterisation of the Vitis vinifera PR10 multigene family BMC Plant Biology 2010, 10:184 (20 August 2010)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae activates two different resistance mechanisms when exposed to octanoic and decanoic acids . Appl. Environ. Microbiol. published ahead of print on 17 September 2010, doi:10.1128/AEM.01280-10.
2010-Evaluation of downy mildew resistance in grapevine by leaf discs bioassay with in vitro and greenhouse grown plants. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. vol 61: n°4
Selection of low cost materials for the sorption of copper and herbicides as single or mixed compounds of increasing complexity matrices. Journal of Hazardous Materials 182 (2010) 18–26

Chapitre :

2010. Somatic embryogenesis Receptor-Like Kinases are related to embryogenesis and other developmental and defence pathways. In: Plant genetic transformation and molecular markers, Editor: Kumar A. Pointer Publishers Jaipur India (ISBN:8171326137). pp: 149-167

Conférences invités :

  • C. Bertsch. Conférence auprès du Syndicat des Viticulteurs indépendants d’Alsace. Jeudi 5 mai 2010. « Les maladies du bois en Alsace ».
  • C. Bertsch. Conférence auprès de l’Association des Viticulteurs d’Alsace. Mardi 14 septembre 2010. « Origines des maladies du bois ».
  • C. Bertsch. Conférence Sciences en Fêtes. Samedi 23 octobre 2010. « Diversité des pathogènes de la vigne, maladies du bois ».

Communications par affiche :

  • Copper solubility and phytoavailability in the rhizosphere of tomato as influenced by bacterial siderophore. Cornu, J-Y., Ponçot, C., Leva, Y., Ferret, C., Geoffroy, V., Lollier, M., Lebeau, T., Jezequel, K. COST ACTION FA 0905 “Mineral Improved Crop Production for Healthy Food and Feed”, Antalya, Turkey, 1-5 November 2010.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Bertsch C, Larignon P, Farine S, Clément C, Fontaine F
(2009) The spread of Grapevine Trunk Disease. Science, 324:721.
Chong J., Poutaraud A., Hugueney P
(2009). Metabolism and roles of stilbenes in plants. Plant Science. 177, 143-155.
Le Hennanff G, Heitz T, Mestre P, Mutterer J, Walter B, Chong J
(2009) Characterization of Vitis vinifera NPR1 homologs involved in the regulation of Pathogenesis-Related gene expression. BMC Plant Biology (accepted).
Bertsch C, Beuve M, Dolja VV, Wirth M, Pelsy F, Herrbach E, Lemaire O
(2009) Retention of the virus-derived sequences in the nuclear genome of grapevine as a potential pathway to virus resistance. Biology direct, 4:21.
Larignon P, Fontaine F, Farine S, Clément C, Bertsch C
(2009) Esca and Black Dead Arm: two major actors of grapevine trunk diseases. CR Biologies Académies des Sciences. C.R Biologies, 332:765-783.
Kuntzmann P, Villaume S, Bertsch C
(2009) Conidia dispersal of Diplodia species in a French vineyard. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 48(1):150-148.
Fischer MJC, Farine S, Chong J, Guerlain P, Bertsch C
(2009) The direct toxicity of BABA against grapevine ecosystem organisms. Crop protection, 28:710-712.
Maillot P, Lebel S, Schellenbaum P, Jacques A, Walter B
(2009) Differential regulation of SERK, LEC1-Like and Pathogenesis-Related genes during indirect secondary somatic embryogenesis in grapevine. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 47:743-752.
Braud A, Jézéquel K, Bazot S, Lebeau T
(2009) Enhanced phytoextraction of an agricultural Cr-, Hg- and Pb-contaminated soil by bioaugmentation with siderophore-producing bacteria. Chemosphere, 74:280-286.
Gregoire C, Huguenot D, Elsaesser D, Lange J, Lebeau T, Merli A, Mose R, Passeport E, Schuetz T, Schulz R, Tapia-Padilla G, Tournebize J, Trevisan M, Wanko A
(2009) Mitigation of agricultural nonpoint-source pesticide pollution in artificial wetland ecosystems. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 7:205-231.
Braud A, Hoegy F, Jézéquel K, Lebeau T, Schalk I
(2009). New insights into the metal specificity of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyoverdine-iron uptake pathway. Environmental Microbiology, 11:1079-1091.
Bazot S, Lebeau T
(2009) Diuron dissipation by a bacterial consortium: Effect of immobilization on the population dynamics. Bioresource Technology, 100:4257-4261.
Leyval C, Steinberg C, Kuntz J, Beguiristain T, Edel-Hermann V, Leglize P, Gautheron N, Lebeau T, Houot S
(2009). Impact des amendements organiques sur la structure des communautés microbiennes des sols: choix des méthodes, validation et résultats. Etude et Gestion des Sols. Accepté.
Faessel L, Nassr N, Lebeau T, Walter B
(2009). Chemically-induced resistance on soybean inhibits nodulation and mycorrhization. Plant and Soil. Sous presse (DOI:10.1007/s.11104-009-0150-7).

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Schellenbaum P, Jacques A, Maillot P, Bertsch C, Mazet F, Farine S, Walter B
(2008) Characterization of VvSERK1, VvSERK2, VvSERK3 and VvL1L genes and their expression during somatic embryogenesis of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). Plant Cell Reports, 27:1799-1809.
Kuntz J, Nassr-Amellal N, Lollier M, Schmidt JE, Lebeau T
(2008) Effect on bacteria in agricultural soil. Analysis at laboratory and outdoor lysimeter scale, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 69:277-288.
Chong J, Le Hénanff G, Bertsch C, Walter B
(2008) Identification, expression analysis and characterization of defense and signaling genes in Vitis vinifera. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 46:469-481.
Schellenbaum P, Mohler V, Wenzel G, Walter B
(2008) Variation in DNA methylation patterns of grapevine somaclones (Vitis vinifera L.). BMC Plant Biology, 8:78.
Faessel L, Nassr N, Lebeau T, Walter B
(2008) Effects of the plant defence inducer, acibenzolar-S-methyl, on hypocotyl rot of soybean caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG-4. Journal of Phytopathology, 156:236-242.
Jézéquel K, Lebeau T
(2008) Soil bioaugmentation by free and immobilized bacteria to reduce potentially phytoavailable cadmium. Bioresource Technology, 99:690-698.
Kuntz J, Nassr-Amellal N, Lollier M, Ejbye Schmidt J, Lebeau T
(2008) Effect of municipal-sludges according to their treatment and organic xenobiotics on the structure of bacterial communities in an agricultural soil. TTGE analysis at laboratory scale and outdoor lysimeter. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 69:277-288.
Lebeau T, Braud A, Jézéquel K
(2008) Performance of bioaugmentation-assisted phytoextraction applied to metal contaminated soils: a review. Environmental Pollution, 153:497-522.
Bazot S, Lebeau T
(2008) Simultaneous mineralization of glyphosate and diuron by a consortium of three bacteria as free- and/or immobilized-cells formulations. Applied and Microbial Biotechnology, 77:1351-1358.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Masneuf-Pomarede I, Le Jeune C, Durrens P, Lollier M, Aigle M, Dubourdieu D
(2007) Molecular typing of wine yeast strains Saccharomyces bayanus var uvarum using microsatellite markers. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 30(1):75-82.
Le Jeune C, Lollier M, Demuyter C, Erny C, Legras J-L, Aigle M, Masneuf-Pomerade I
(2007) Characterization of natural hybrid strains between Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus var uvarum. FEMS Yeast Research, 7:540-549.
Lebeau T, Jouenne T, Junter GA
(2007) Some inquiries into the capability of Candida shehatae co-immobilized with Saccharomyces cerevisiae to metabolize xylose in the presence of glucose. Microbiological Research, 162:211-218.
Braud A, Jézéquel K, Lebeau T
(2007) Impact of substrates and cell immobilization on siderophore activity by Pseudomonas in a Fe and/or Cr/Hg/Pb containing medium. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 144:229-239.
Bazot S, Bois P, Joyeux C, Lebeau T
(2007) Co-immobilization of Arthrobacter sp. and Delftia acidovorans for the total mineralization of diuron. Biotechnology Letters, 29:749-754.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Maillot P, Kieffer F, Walter B
(2006) Somatic embryogenesis from stem nodal sections of grapevine. Vitis, 45:185-189.
Bertsch C, Farine S, Leva Y, Schaeffer L, Butterlin G, Merdinoglu D, Walter B
(2006) Rapid extraction of genomic DNA from small plant leaf samples. Vitis, 45:49-50.
Braud A, Jézéquel K, Vieille E, Tritter A, Lebeau T
(2006) Cr and Pb bioavailability from a polycontaminated soil using bioaugmentation with microbial producers of biosurfactants, organic acids and siderophores. Water Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, 6:261-279.
Gaudin P, Lebeau T, Robert JM
(2006) Microalgal cell immobilization applied to the long-term storage of the diatom Haslea ostrearia. Journal of Applied Phycology, 18:175-184.
Braud A, Jézéquel K, Léger MA, Lebeau T
(2006) Siderophore production by using free and immobilized cells of two Pseudomonas cultivated in a medium enriched with Fe and/or toxic metals (Cr, Hg, Pb). Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 94:1080-1088.
Bagot D, Lebeau T, Jézéquel K
(2006) Selection of micro-organisms for bioremediation of agricultural soils contaminated by cadmium. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 4:207-211.
Le Jeune C, Erny C, Demuyter C, Lollier M
(2006) Evolution of the population of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from grape to wine in a spontaneous fermentation. Food Microbiology, 23:709-716.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Bertsch C, Kieffer F, Maillot P, Farine S, Butterlin G, Merdinoglu D, Walter B
(2005) Genetic chimerism of Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay 96 is maintained through organogenesis but not somatic embryogenesis. BMC Plant Biology, 5:20.
Jézéquel K, Perrin J, Lebeau T
(2005) Bioaugmentation with a Bacillus sp. to reduce the phytoavailable Cd of an agricultural soil: comparison of free and immobilized microbial inocula. Chemosphere, 59:1323-1331.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Demuyter C, Lollier M., Legras J-L, Le Jeune C
(2004) Predominance of Saccharomyces uvarum during spontaneous fermentation, for three consecutive years, in an Alsatian winery. Journal of Applied. Microbiology, 97:1140-1148.
Kieffer F, Triouleyre C, Bertsch C, Farine S, Leva Y, Walter B
(2004) Mannose and xylose can be used as selectable agents for Vitis vinifera L. transformation. Vitis, 43:35-39.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Bertsch C, Joly D, Walter B
(2003) Sequence of a putative Vitis vinifera PR-1. Vitis, 42:103-104.
Lebeau T, Robert JM
(2003) Diatoms: Cultivation and biotechnologically relevant products. Part I: Cultivation at various scales. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, 60:612-623.
Lebeau T, Robert JM
(2003) Diatoms: Cultivation and biotechnologically relevant products. Part II: Diatoms of biotechnological interest. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, 60:624-632.
Fabre B, Jézéquel K, Lebeau T
(2003) Maximum uptakes of cadmium by free and immobilised bacteria and actinomycetes cells. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 1:141-144.
Bertsch C, Kieffer F, Triouleyre C, Butterlin G, Merdinoglu D, Walter B
(2003) Molecular profiling of Vitis vinifera Chardonnay obtained by somatic embryogenesis. J Int Sci Vigne Vin, 37:145-153.

Publications scientifiques avec comité de lecture :

Lebeau T, Bagot D, Jézéquel K, Fabre B
(2002) Cadmium biosorption by free and immobilised microorganisms cultivated in a liquid soil extract medium: effects of Cd, pH and techniques of culture. The Science of the Total Environment, 291:73-83.
Lebeau T, Moan R, Gaudin P, Robert JM
(2002) A new photobioreactor for the continuous marennin production with a marine diatom: optimization of the light intensity and the immobilized cell technique (alginate beads or agar layer). Applied Microbiology Biotechnology, 59:153-159.
Bréant D, Jézéquel K, Lebeau T
(2002) Optimization of the cell leakage from immobilized cells of a Bacillus simplex cultivated in culture media enriched with Cd: influence of Cd, inoculum size, culture medium and alginate bead characteristics. Biotechnology Letters, 24:1237-1241.
Gunkel P, Jézéquel K, Fabre B
(2002) Temporal evolution of copper distribution in soil fractions, influence of soil pH and organic carbon level on copper distribution. Environmental Technology, 23(9):1001-1008.
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